
We saw in a previous section how you can generate Speech programmatically from a Drama object.

That’s only half the picture though. Most of the time you’d want to pick Speech out of a text file, where it’s easier to edit and maintain.

Balladeer uses the TOML format to store scene dialogue. Scene file names end in “.scene.toml”.


Please read the documentation for TOML. Spend a few minutes to become familiar with its format.


The top of the scene file is the place to put specifications for the scene. It consists of a TOML table for each of the Entities you want to cast into the scene. Each table name should be in upper case. This is the role name. The specifications for the role determine which entities get cast for the role.

In order to fulfil the role, an entity must match attributes with the specification. You can use three criteria:


The value of the type specification must appear in the entity types attribute, or else be the name of the entity’s natural Python type.


The value of the state specification must be a string which specifies the dotted name of a required state, or an integer in the case of int state.


The second part of the dotted name for the specification is the name of a State. The value of a states.X specification is a list of strings giving the state values which are valid for each role.

Here’s the specification for one of the scene files in Balladeer’s Cloak of Darkness example.

type = "Adventure"
state = "Spot.foyer"

type = "Clothing"


The rest of the scene file consists of a table array of shots. The key for the shot array is an underscore, _. The speech in the shot is defined as a multiline string with the key s.

In other words, something that looks like this:

<PHONE.announcing@GUEST,STAFF> Ring riiing!



Each shot may have one or more conditions attached to it which determine whether or not the speech is voiced. The format for conditions is the same as for specifications, except that the keys are preceded with if.ROLE.

Here’s an example from Cloak of Darkness. The shot has a single condition, specifying multiple values for one state.

if.DRAMA.states.Detail = ["none", "hint"]
<>  This shell of a building is what's left of a hotel.
<>  The room has been stripped of all it once contained.

You can have multiple conditions which apply to different roles:

if.DRAMA.states.Detail = ["held"]
if.GARMENT.states.Spot = ["inventory"]
<>  You are wearing a long cloak, which gathers around you.


For reference, so you can understand the link between scene syntax and TOML structure, here’s an entire scene file:

type = "Adventure"
state = "Spot.foyer"

type = "Clothing"

if.DRAMA.states.Detail = ["none", "hint"]
<>  This shell of a building is what's left of a hotel.
<>  The room has been stripped of all it once contained.

if.DRAMA.states.Detail = ["here"]
<>  Right here would have been a foyer.
    You can see the footprint of a grand reception desk running down one side
    of the floor.


if.DRAMA.states.Detail = ["hint"]
<>  Try these commands:

    + 'Look' to see more detail.
    + 'Inventory' to learn what you are carrying.
    + 'Go' to travel in a certain direction.


if.DRAMA.states.Detail = ["held"]
if.GARMENT.states.Spot = ["inventory"]
<>  You are wearing a long cloak, which gathers around you.

… and here’s how Balladeer reads it:

    'DRAMA': {'state': 'Spot.foyer', 'type': 'Adventure'},
    'GARMENT': {'type': 'Clothing'},
    '_': [
        {'if': {'DRAMA': {'states': {'Detail': ['none', 'hint']}}},
        's': "<>  This shell of a building is what's left of a hotel.\n"
             '<>  The room has been stripped of all it once contained.\n'},
        {'if': {'DRAMA': {'states': {'Detail': ['here']}}},
        's': '<>  Right here would have been a foyer.\n'
             '    You can see the footprint of a grand reception desk running down one side\n'
             '    of the floor.\n'
        {'if': {'DRAMA': {'states': {'Detail': ['hint']}}},
        's': '<>  Try these commands:\n'
             "    + 'Look' to see more detail.\n"
             "    + 'Inventory' to learn what you are carrying.\n"
             "    + 'Go' to travel in a certain direction.\n"
        {'if': {'DRAMA': {'states': {'Detail': ['held']}},
               'GARMENT': {'states': {'Spot': ['inventory']}}},
        's': '<>  You are wearing a long cloak, which gathers around you.\n'}